MEYER Damien
- UMR ASTRE CIRAD-INRAE, Infectious strategies of Anaplasmataceae , CIRAD, PETIT-BOURG, France
- Bioinformatics dedicated to microbial studies, Genomic and evolutionary studies, Microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions, Microbial communication and signaling
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Areas of expertise
***Infectious strategies of Anaplasmataceae***
Bacterial pathogens and symbionts exploit a wide array of strategies to facilitate interaction with hosts.
For endosymbiotic or intracellular pathogenic bacteria, there is a constant need to manipulate signaling pathways in the eukaryotic mammalian or arthropod host cell. I am particularly interested in the pathways used by obligate intracellular pathogenic Ehrlichia bacteria to enter host cells and create a safe replicating niche.
I am also investigating how endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria interact with eukaryotic cells. My research encompasses the underlying molecular mechanisms of these processes and the illumination of how these strategies facilitate unique interactions with the host immune system, most notably for immune evasion.
Findings from this work contribute to understanding the mechanisms of pathogenesis and endosymbiosis as well as advancement of human and animal health interests.
I work in the areas of bioinformatics |comparative genomics |transcriptomics |cell biology |bacteriology |user experience |software development | transdisciplinarity |data visualization