CUBILLOS Francisco's profile

CUBILLOS Francisco

  • Biology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • Bioinformatics dedicated to microbial studies, Genomic and evolutionary studies, Microbial biotechnology
  • recommender

Recommendation:  1

Reviews:  0

Recommendation:  1

28 Nov 2024
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Design of a new model yeast consortium for ecological studies of enological fermentation

Yeast consortium for novel wine fermentations

Recommended by based on reviews by Pablo Villarreal, Cristian Varela and 3 anonymous reviewers

The article by Pourcelot et al. (2024) brings a novel approach to wine fermentation. Recently, scientific advances have focused on utilizing microbial consortiums rather than individual species alone or even two individuals co-inoculated. However, spontaneous fermentations are complex, and microbes work in communities. This work aims to design a yeast consortium by studying the population changes over time and determining the metabolite production and fermentation kinetics. In this way, the authors present an elegant molecular approach by tagging each strain to construct a wine fermentation consortium. 


Eléonore Pourcelot, Audrey Vigna, Thérèse Marlin, Virginie Galeote, Thibault Nidelet (2024) Design of a new model yeast consortium for ecological studies of enological fermentation. bioRxiv, ver.4 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Microbiol


CUBILLOS Francisco

  • Biology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • Bioinformatics dedicated to microbial studies, Genomic and evolutionary studies, Microbial biotechnology
  • recommender

Recommendation:  1

Reviews:  0