ROSSI Pierre
- ENAC-IIE-GR-CEL, Ecole POlytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Microbial biogeochemistry, Microbial biogeography, Microbial ecology and environmental microbiology
- recommender
Recommendations: 0
Reviews: 0
Areas of expertise
Molecular tools (from DNA/RNA extractions procedures to complex community analysis) dedicated to microbial ecology
Bioremediation of contaminated habitats
Biorecycling of valuable and critical metals for electronic waste and bottom ashes
Multivariate statistics and numerical ecology applied to the microbial ecology field (soils, bioreactors, etc)
Water desinfection procedures
Groundwater tracing with bacteriophages
Characterization of bacterial strains contaminating industrial processes and medical environment